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Náhradní díly
Husqvarna Construction Products
ST S p A
Performance and productivity, even under harsh conditions
Strejček GARDEN
Benzínové řetězové pily
Professional Chainsaws
XP ® Chainsaws
Husqvarna 562 XP® G is equipped with a range of innovative solutions for efficient and convenient operation, as well as a large air filter. It can be used with up to 28" long guide rail. Our unique X-Torq® engine technology provides more power where you need it, up to 20% less fuel consumption and up to 75% less exhaust emissions. Heated handle increases comfort in cold and damp conditions.
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Features and benefits
It has lower fuel consumption and lower fume levels compared to the world's strictest environmental regulations.
AutoTune™ ensures optimum engine performance through automatic engine adjustment. You do not waste time adjusting the carburetor.
It compensates for the different fuel quality, altitude, humidity, temperature and clogged air filter.
Fast acceleration and higher chain speed for best branching performance.
Air Injection™ System
The centrifugal air purification system reduces wear and ensures longer intervals between filter cleaning.
Hinged tank cap
The hinged tank cap is easy to open and close.
LowVib® system
Anti-vibration dampers effectively absorb vibrations, thus saving the operator's arms and hands.
Heated handles
Powerful heating coils in the front and rear handles allow you to use the saw much more comfortably in cold and humid weather.
Adjustable oil pump
The adjustable oil pump allows you to easily adjust the chain lubrication as needed.
Heated carburetor
The electrically heated carburetor ensures reliable starting and trouble-free work in cold conditions.
Quick-release air filter
Makes it easy to clean and replace the air filter.
Combined choke/switch lever
The combined choke and switch lever makes starting easier and reduces the risk of engine overload.
Chain tensioner located on the side
The chain tensioner located on the side is used for quick and easy adjustment of the chain.
Magnesia crankcase
The crankcase of a very strong design withstands high speeds and professional use in difficult conditions and guarantees a long service life.
Quickly removable air filter cover
The quick-release cover saves time when replacing and cleaning the spark plug.
Quick-release cylinder cover clips
The cylinder cover with quick-release clips saves time when changing the spark plug and cleaning.
Three-piece crankshaft
The forged three-piece crankshaft is characterized by maximum durability even in the heaviest operation.
Slim design
The slim body of the saw and the flat bottom allow easy and comfortable handling of the chainsaw in any situation.
Felling marks
Bold coloured felling marks guarantee better felling accuracy.
Visible fuel level
The transparent fuel indicator allows you to easily check the level in the tank.
Fuel pump
Fuel pump for easy starting.
Anti-fall nut
The method of fastening prevents the loss of the bar nuts.
Fast acceleration
The low weight of all moving parts of the engine means fast acceleration.
Inertia-activated chain brake
Effective, inertia-activated chain brake.
Smart Start®
The engine and starter device have been designed to start the engine quickly and with minimal effort. The resistance of the starter cord is reduced by up to 40%.
Inertia-activated chain brake
Effective, inertia-activated chain brake.
Engine Specifications
Idle speed, rpm
2 800 ot./min
Cylinder displacement
59.8 cm³
Maximum recommended engine speed
Zama C1M-EL42
Output power
3.5 kW
Air gap of the ignition module
Cylinder stroke
Cylinder inner diameter
Maximum speed at idle
3 500 ot./min
Clutch release speed (±120)
4 300 ot./min
Upper limit for clutch release
6 000 ot./min
Torque, max. at rpm.
8 100 ot./min
Oil pump power, max.
15 ml/ min
Oil pump power, min.
6 ml/ min
Cert. machine. equipment, according to Directive 2006/42/EC
Dimensions / Weight
Gross product weight, final
8713 g
Product net weight, final
7680 g
Recommended guide rail length, min-max
15 - 28
Product size, LxWxH
46x23x28 cm
Weight (without cutting device)
6.3 kg
Guide groove width
1.5 mm
Bar parameters
Bar length (in inches)
Cutting equipment
Guide rail length
Chain type
Ring chain 7 teeth
Recommended guide rail length, min-max, cm
38 - 71 cm
Chain speed at 133% of the maximum engine power speed
28.3 m/s
Chain pitch
3/8 "
Basic data
Energy source
Weight (without cutting tool), kg
6.2 kg
Oil pump type
Adjustable flow rate
Oil tank capacity
0.3 l
Fuel tank capacity
0.7 l
CARB emission data
Engine series, EPA
Type of rail attachment
Large fit
Product data
Chain type
Bar and chain parameters
Generic Chainsaw SubGroups
Full time professional use chainsaws
Product information
Handle type
Chain parameters
Source system
Fuel, oils and lubricants
Fuel type, min (Europe)
RON 91
Lubricant type
Husqvarna two-stroke or equiv. in a ratio of 50:1
Torque, max.
3.65 Nm ot./min
Gap between electrodes
0.5 mm
Spark plug
Idle speed
2 800 ot./min
Fuel consumption
1.7 kg/h
Maximum engine speed under load
9 600 ot./min
Output power, kW
3.5 kW
Cylinder displacement, cm³
59.8 cm³
Shipping Package Contents
Package length
470 mm
Package width
340 mm
Package height
250 mm
Quantity in wholesale package
Material composition
Main packaging: paper + cardboard
0 g
Total metal
0 g
Paper + cardboard total
1050 g
Total PE (polyethylene)
0 g
TOTAL PET (polyethylene terephthalate)
0 g
Plastic foil
0 g
Hard plastic
0 g
Total plastic
0 g
Polystyrene (PS), foamable PS (EPS), tough polystyrene (HPS, IPS, HIPS) total
0 g
Data on emissions, noise levels and vibrations
Guaranteed Sound Power Level (LWA), db(A)
118 dB(A)
Sound pressure level at operator's ear, db(A)
106 dB(A)
Equivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) front/rear handles, m/s²
2,7/3,2 m/s²
US EPA emission data
Exhaust emissions (average CO content - carbon monoxide), EPA
299.46 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (CO limit for a given engine family), EPA
536 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (average CO₂ content), EPA
763 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (average HC - hydrocarbon content), EPA
59.10 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (average NOx content), EPA
2.91 g/kWh
Emission data according to Commission Regulation (EU)
Exhaust emissions (average CO content)
282.77 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (average CO₂ content)
777 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (EU V CO2)
777 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (average HC content)
56.78 g/kWh
Exhaust emissions (average NOx content)
3.23 g/kWh
Sound and noise level data
Sound power level, guaranteed (LWA), db(A)
118 dB(A)
Sound power level, measured dB(A)
116 dB(A)
Sound pressure level at operator's ear, db(A)
106 dB(A)
Vibration data
Daytime Vibration (Aeqv)
5.0 m/s²
Time of daily vibration (time factor)
3.7 h
Daily vibration exposure (A8)
3.4 m/s²
Equivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) of the front handle
3.2 m/s²
Equivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) of the rear handle
5.0 m/s²
16 "/3/8" Large mounting rail
The Fine arc and the small radius of the guide bar reduce the risk of kickback and allow good control during cutting. The Surface finish by laminating protects the guide bar from scratches and corrosion.
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24 "/3/8" Large mounting rail
Compact rails are used for hard wood species, wood with strong bark and in very sandy, dusty or soother contaminated environments. The Surface finish by laminating protects the guide bar from scratches and corrosion.
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Clear X safety goggles (clear)
Protective goggles with clear, scratch-resistant glasses. The frames of the glasses can be lengthened and the glasses tilted. They meet the requirements of EN 166 and Ansi Z87 +.
Competition Bar-18 "/3/8" Large mounting rail
The Fine arc and the small radius of the guide bar reduce the risk of kickback and allow good control during cutting. The Surface finish by laminating protects the guide bar from scratches and corrosion.
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H42 56 article /3/8 "/1.5 mm
High-Performance low-vibration chain with Chisel cutting tooth profile for highly productive cutting of pure wood.
H42 60 article /3/8 "/1.5 mm
High-Performance low-vibration chain with Chisel cutting tooth profile for highly productive cutting of pure wood.
H42 68 article /3/8 "/1.5 mm
High-Performance low-vibration chain with Chisel cutting tooth profile for highly productive cutting of pure wood.
H42 84 article /3/8 "/1.5 mm
High-Performance low-vibration chain with Chisel cutting tooth profile for highly productive cutting of pure wood.
H42 Role 100 Stop/3/8 "/1.5 mm
High-Performance low-vibration chain with Chisel cutting tooth profile for highly productive cutting of pure wood.
Jacket for work in the forest Technical
Jacket made of durable but lightweight materials, ideal for daily work in the woods. Four-Way stretch polyester, vent holes in the saddle and elongated back provide flexibility, freedom of movement and comfort.
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Jacket for working in the forest Technical Extreme
Jacket designed for long work shifts in the most demanding environments. It is made of lightweight, breathable materials, with high visibility, which is enhanced by reflective tapes. Anatomically shaped elbows increase mobility. Efficient ventilation openings in the saddle and lower back make the work more demanding.
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Jacket for working in the forest Technical Extreme, women's
Jacket designed for long work shifts in the most demanding environments. It is made of lightweight, breathable materials, with high visibility, which is enhanced by reflective tapes. Anatomically shaped elbows increase mobility. Efficient ventilation openings in the saddle and lower back make the work more demanding.
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Laminated rail 20" / 3/8" / 1.5 mm, large bar mounting / 11 z. / 72 art. - COMPETITION / for 372
Guide rail "straight" for logging sport/felling.
Long-sleeved Working T-shirt Technical
Short-sleeved top ideal for demanding work in hot weather. The Quick-Drying material removes moisture from the body and keeps the skin cool and dry. For added comfort, a zipped pocket and a longer back.
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Pants for Waist Technical
Pants designed for all day work in the forest, from light stretch material. To increase durability, ARAMID and CORDURA® materials are reinforced in exposed areas. A Snug fit provides comfort while you work. Anatomically shaped knees and ventilation pockets and zippered work for a more demanding job.
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Petrol canister, 6 l, orange
This combined canister is equipped with effective overfill protection. As soon as the tank is full, the filling nozzle closes automatically and the canister can be moved without overflow.
Saw chain H42 3/8" / 1.5 mm / 72 art. / 20"
High-performance low-vibration chain with a cutting tooth profile "Chisel" for highly productive cutting of pure wood.
Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8 "/1.5 mm/56 art.
An innovated and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, made exclusively by Husqvarna to maximize the performance of your chainsaw. The chain excels in durability, high cutting efficiency, long lasting sharpness and low expansion and contributes to increased productivity of your work, safety and low costs.
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Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8 "/1.5 mm/60 art.
An innovated and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, made exclusively by Husqvarna to maximize the performance of your chainsaw. The chain excels in durability, high cutting efficiency, long lasting sharpness and low expansion and contributes to increased productivity of your work, safety and low costs.
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Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8 "/1.5 mm/68 art.
An innovated and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, made exclusively by Husqvarna to maximize the performance of your chainsaw. The chain excels in durability, high cutting efficiency, long lasting sharpness and low expansion and contributes to increased productivity of your work, safety and low costs.
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Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8 "/1.5 mm/72 art.
An innovated and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, made exclusively by Husqvarna to maximize the performance of your chainsaw. The chain excels in durability, high cutting efficiency, long lasting sharpness and low expansion and contributes to increased productivity of your work, safety and low costs.
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Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8 "/1.5 mm/84 art.
An innovated and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, made exclusively by Husqvarna to maximize the performance of your chainsaw. The chain excels in durability, high cutting efficiency, long lasting sharpness and low expansion and contributes to increased productivity of your work, safety and low costs.
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Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8 "/1.5 mm/92 art.
An innovated and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, made exclusively by Husqvarna to maximize the performance of your chainsaw. The chain excels in durability, high cutting efficiency, long lasting sharpness and low expansion and contributes to increased productivity of your work, safety and low costs.
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Technical Short Sleeve Work T-Shirt, Reflective
Short-sleeved, zippered work T-shirt with extended back and easy-to-reach zip front pocket. It is made of a material that removes moisture from the body and maintains dryness and working comfort. The T-shirt is complemented by stripes of high-visibility reflective material and complies with ISO EN 20471 (class 2).
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Technical Vent Jacket
Lightweight jacket designed for everyday work in the forest in warmer conditions. The front, shoulders and sleeves are made of 100% micropolyester. The armpits and the back made of 100% knitted polyester provide excellent ventilation, thanks to which you will feel a pleasant coolness and at the same time you will be dry.
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Technical Waist Pants
Trousers designed for all-day work in the forest, made of light stretch material. To increase durability, ARAMID and CORDURA materials are reinforced at exposed locations®. The fitted fit guarantees comfort at work. Anatomically shaped knees and ventilation pockets and zippers make strenuous work more pleasant.
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3/8 "X-Force Pro laminated rail, large fit
Our 3/8 "guide rails offer high durability, easy maintenance and increased productivity. The Bar has a vertex profile that provides lower wear and corrosion resistant coating. For increased productivity and easier maintenance, the bearings have protective covers and no lubrication holes to prevent dirt from entering the bearing, reducing the need for grease refilling.
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ActiveClean spray cleaner, 500ml
Universal cleaning spray, effective on saw chains, garden machines, air filters and dirty shoes. The ergonomically designed bottle with high-quality spray facilitates application. The product includes a narrow jet nozzle for cleaning smaller items such as chainsaws and hedge trimmers, and a wide shower nozzle for cleaning larger items such as cutting decks, riders and garden tractors. Husqvarna Active Clean spray contains a specially developed detergent that is phosphate-free and biodegradable.
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Flexi tool belt, Combi set
Flexible and ergonomic tool belt with excellent weight distribution and a buckle that can be easily adjusted or unfastened with one hand, specially designed for working in the forest. Intuitive and easy to customize to your needs with additional holders, pockets and strap. Set contents: tool belt, strap, Combi holster, Combi case with wedge pockets, tool holder, universal pocket for first aid kit, file holder.
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Flexi tool belt, set with hook
Flexible and ergonomic tool belt with excellent weight distribution and a buckle that can be easily adjusted or unfastened with one hand, specially designed for working in the forest. Intuitive and easy to customize to your needs with additional holders, pockets and strap. Set contents: tool belt, strap, wedge pocket, universal hook, universal pocket for first aid kit, file holder.
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Flexi tool belt, set with wedge pockets
Flexible and ergonomic tool belt with excellent weight distribution and a buckle that can be easily adjusted or unfastened with one hand, specially designed for working in the forest. Intuitive and easy to customize to your needs with additional holders, pockets and strap. Set contents: tool belt, strap, wedge pocket, Combi holster with wedge pockets, tool holder, universal pocket for first aid kit, file holder.
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Husqvarna X-Guard BIO oil for bar and chain lubrication
Developed by Husqvarna, X-GUARD Bio Oil is a premium chain lubrication oil based on renewable raw materials. The oil is characterized by high-quality lubrication and high adhesion, thanks to which oil consumption can be reduced without the risk of higher chain wear. The oil leaves a minimum amount of deposits on the machine. We recommend X-GUARD for year-round use. X-GUARD oil has an extremely high viscosity index, which means that its viscosity changes only minimally during temperature changes and that the chain cuts perfectly even in colder conditions. X-GUARD oil exhibits very good anti-corrosion properties and thus retains its quality even when stored after use. The oil is easily biodegradable in soil and water, non-toxic to humans or the environment. The oil meets the criteria for the EU Ecolabel (European Ecolabel) label for quality and environmentally friendly products.
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Husqvarna XP Power 2T alkylate fuel
Husqvarna XP® Power 2 is an alkylate fuel, blended with 2% of XP's® premium oil, and formulated for all Husqvarna products. Exceptional cleanliness and lubricating ability ensure a long service life even under the toughest working conditions and allow you to unleash the full potential of your Husqvarna machine. Alkylate fuel, mixed with fully synthetic, biodegradable oil, means less harmful exhaust gases - compared to regular gasoline - and a healthier working environment and thus higher productivity. Features of VEF - Verified Engine Formula. Husqvarna's verification programme, which ensures the longevity of Husqvarna engines.
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Husqvarna XP® Power 2
Husqvarna XP® Power 2 is an alkylated fuel, blended with 2% Premium XP® oil, and formulated for all Husqvarna products. Exceptional cleanliness and lubricating ability ensure a long service life even under the heaviest working conditions and allow you to harness all the potential of your Husqvarna machine. Alkylate fuel, mixed with fully synthetic, biodegradable oil means less harmful exhaust gases – compared to regular gasoline – and a healthier working environment, and thus higher productivity. VEF-Verified Engine Formula Properties. Husqvarna's Verification program, which ensures the lifetime of Husqvarna engines.
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Husqvarna XP® Power 2
Husqvarna XP® Power 2 is an alkylated fuel, blended with 2% Premium XP® oil, and formulated for all Husqvarna products. Exceptional cleanliness and lubrication capabilities ensure a long service life even under the heaviest working conditions and allow you to harness all the potential of your Husqvarna machine. Alkylate fuel, mixed with fully synthetic, biodegradable oil means less harmful exhaust gases – compared to regular gasoline – and a healthier working environment and thus higher productivity. VEF-Verified Engine Formula Properties. Husqvarna's Verification program, which ensures the lifetime of Husqvarna engines.
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Olej X-Guard BIO Husqvarna na mazání lišty a řetězu
X-GUARD Bio olej vyvinutý společností Husqvarna je prvotřídní olej na mazání řetězu na bázi obnovitelných surovin. Olej se vyznačuje vysoce kvalitním mazáním a vysokou přilnavostí, díky které může být spotřeba oleje snížena bez rizika vyššího opotřebení řetězu. Olej zanechává na stroji minimální množství usazenin. X-GUARD doporučujeme pro celoroční používání. Olej X-GUARD má extrémně vysoký index viskozity, což znamená, že při změnách teploty se jeho viskozita mění jen minimálně a že řetěz skvěle řeže i v chladnějších podmínkách. Olej X-GUARD vykazuje velmi dobré antikorozní vlastnosti a zachovává si tak svoji kvalitu i při uskladnění po použití. Olej je snadno biologicky odbouratelný v půdě a ve vodě, netoxický pro člověka nebo životní prostředí. Olej splňuje kritéria pro označení EU Ecolabel (European Ecolabel) pro kvalitní výrobky šetrné k životnímu prostředí.
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Olej X-Guard BIO Husqvarna na mazání lišty a řetězu
X-GUARD Bio olej vyvinutý společností Husqvarna je prvotřídní olej na mazání řetězu na bázi obnovitelných surovin. Olej se vyznačuje vysoce kvalitním mazáním a vysokou přilnavostí, díky které může být spotřeba oleje snížena bez rizika vyššího opotřebení řetězu. Olej zanechává na stroji minimální množství usazenin. X-GUARD doporučujeme pro celoroční používání. Olej X-GUARD má extrémně vysoký index viskozity, což znamená, že při změnách teploty se jeho viskozita mění jen minimálně a že řetěz skvěle řeže i v chladnějších podmínkách. Olej X-GUARD vykazuje velmi dobré antikorozní vlastnosti a zachovává si tak svoji kvalitu i při uskladnění po použití. Olej je snadno biologicky odbouratelný v půdě a ve vodě, netoxický pro člověka nebo životní prostředí. Olej splňuje kritéria pro označení EU Ecolabel (European Ecolabel) pro kvalitní výrobky šetrné k životnímu prostředí.
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Protective helmet for work in the forest, Technical
New design of a strong but lightweight protective helmet with hearing protection. The helmet can be adjusted in different directions to suit your specific needs. A new, innovated ventilation system ensures a comfortable temperature for your head. The protective shield has been modified to better protect your face and especially allow a perfect view when it is tilted down or up. Hearing protectors with FM radio are available as an optional accessory, with an integrated slit in the helmet for attaching the head lamp.
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Protective helmet for working in the woods, Functional
The Functional Helmet is equipped with many features that allow you to tailor it to individual requirements. It offers comfort and optimal ergonomics for everyday work in the forest. It has a 6-point textile headliner for maximum comfort and reduced pressure on the head. The UltraVision Shield allows for brighter vision thanks to a small light reduction. Hearing Protectors stand for optimal ergonomics for long-term use.
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Saw chain X-CUT C85 Chisel 3/8" / 1.5 mm / Roll 100 feet
An innovative and high-performance saw chain for full-time professional forestry work, manufactured exclusively by Husqvarna to achieve maximum performance for your chainsaw. The chain stands out for its durability, high cutting efficiency, long-lasting sharpness and low expansion, and will contribute to higher productivity of your work, safety and low cost.
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Two Stroke Oil, XP® Synthetic
New fully synthetic and biodegradable (64% ACC OESD301B) Husqvarna Two stroke oil Synthetic is suitable for high loads at high engine speeds. It Provides excellent lubrication, low smoke and keeps the engine cleaner, with fewer insets on the piston and in the crankcase compared to competing oils. The Oil is suitable for all machines manufactured by Husqvarna, especially for motors with a cylinder capacity above 55 cm³.
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X-Force 3/8 Bar "/1.5 mm/Large mounting Rail (LM)/11 Z./60 art.
Our 3/8 "guide rails offer high durability, easy maintenance and increased productivity. The bar has a vertex profile that provides lower wear and corrosion resistant coating. For increased productivity and easier maintenance, the bearings have protective covers and no lubrication holes to prevent dirt from entering the bearing, reducing the need for grease refilling.
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