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R 1400-46 TR R 1400-46 TR (2005)
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Wheel: Zoom, left button: Movement
1 Ring Gear 122120105/1
2 Left Wheel Protection 122600093/0
3 Seeger 112608600/0
4 Left pinion 122570120/1
5 Bearing 119216035/0
6 Right Wheel Protection 122600092/0
7 Rear Wheel Axle 381000147/0
8 Right Pinion 122570110/1
10 Cable Rear Drive
(General Transmission)
11 Gear Box
(Bi. Ci. Di.)
12 Pulley 122601904/0
13 Elastic Pin 112645705/0
14 Adjustment Rod
(Bi. Ci. Di.)
15 Trapezoidal Belt 135063800/0
16 Pin 122753000/0
21 Bushing 122041957/1
22 Spring 122450063/0
23 Washer 322680009/0
24 Nut 112154510/0
25 Hub Cover 122110230/0