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Y12R38C Y12R38C, 1994-01
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1 PULLEY 532123385
2 CLIP 812000028
3 SHAFT 532142603
4 WASHER Use in combinations to maintain proper clearances. 532002228
5 BRACKET 873800500
6 BOLT 872140506
7 HOLDER 532123378
8 SCREW 817490512
9 SPRING 532110422
10 WASHER 532121749 532121749
11 KEY 532123583
12 BOLT 874760644
15 WASHER 819151616
16 BRACKET 532124600
17 LINK 532123632
18 BOLT 871040412
19 WASHER 810040400
20 WASHER 819091210
21 LEVER 532123539
22 WASHER 532105701
23 KNOB 532121274
24 GEAR LEVER 532128215
25 SPLIT PIN 876020416
26 NUT 873810500
27 NUT 873310500
28 SPRING 532128085
29 BRACKET 532128084
31 SPACER 532109502
33 MATICE 873680600
35 RETAINER RING 812000001